Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pitch for group assignment-Shay, Laurie, and Carly

Amos, Hogemark & Rech
PO Box 522
Big Timber, MT  59011

October 10, 2011

Disney Shareholder Services
500 S Buena Vista St MC 9722
Burback, CA  91521-9722

To whom it may concern:

We are students from Sweet Grass County High School that have recently completed the children’s book Skippyjon Jones  by Judy Schachner.  We strongly encourage your company to adapt this book into a film. If this book was created into a film, children would line up to watch it because of the fun characters and interesting plot.

The story line follows Skippyjon Jones,a Siamese cat who believes that he is a Chihuahuas,  as he embarks on an adventure deep in his closet.  This is sure to capture the attention of children and they will fall in love with Skippyjon Jones and the rest of the fun Mexican Chihuahuas.

Another reason as to why this book should be transformed into a film is that parents will love it because of the great moral that it illustrates.  The moral is simply encouraging children to accept themselves for who they really are.  This is something that is an important lesson for all young children to learn.

The third reason to make this film is that it is educational.  The book has some words from the Spanish language inserted and in the 10 page excerpt we have enclosed shows how the Spanish words can be involved in the script.  This involvement of the Spanish language can be the first step in raising bilingual children.  When the children watch this movie they will feel motivated to speak the same language that Skippyjon Jones speaks and will want to incorporate it into their daily lives.  We have also enclosed a story board to give you an idea of what the animations would look like.

We thank you for your time spent reading this letter and we really hope to hear from you in the future about this project.  If you have any questions about anything we have stated or want us to clarify our intentions and opinions further, please contact us.


Shay Amos, Laurie Hogemark, and Carly Rech
Sweet Grass County High School Students


Friday, October 7, 2011

Most embarrasing moment in someonelse's eyes

     This summer I was gassing up my truck with my buddy Phil. A group of teenagers were gathered around their cars in the parking lot next to us. They were talking and laughing animatedly.  As Phil and I were pulling out we looked over to see two of the girls doing a very vulgar looking creeper walk/ crazy dance that consisted of looking as though they were old men with hunchbacks while thrusting with an imaginary walker. It was the most awkward thing I have ever seen in my life.  My good old pal decided to freak the girls out so he yelled out his window and wolf-whistled at them.  The look on their faces were priceless. These poor girls were mortified that two middle aged men has just creeped on them. Hard. I will never forget that day or the faces of those poor girls.