Friday, October 7, 2011

Most embarrasing moment in someonelse's eyes

     This summer I was gassing up my truck with my buddy Phil. A group of teenagers were gathered around their cars in the parking lot next to us. They were talking and laughing animatedly.  As Phil and I were pulling out we looked over to see two of the girls doing a very vulgar looking creeper walk/ crazy dance that consisted of looking as though they were old men with hunchbacks while thrusting with an imaginary walker. It was the most awkward thing I have ever seen in my life.  My good old pal decided to freak the girls out so he yelled out his window and wolf-whistled at them.  The look on their faces were priceless. These poor girls were mortified that two middle aged men has just creeped on them. Hard. I will never forget that day or the faces of those poor girls.

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