Sunday, December 18, 2011

Movie Review for Water for Elephants

December 18, 2010
By: Laurie Hogemark, Film critic

     Based on the book by Sara Gruen, Water for Elephants opens with the death of Jacob Jankowski's(Pattinson) parents. He is a Student of veterinary sciences at Cornell college, days away from his final exams. After the accident, he does not return back to college, therefore not becoming registered.
     Jacob leaves town, following the rail road tracks.  A train happens to pass Jacob and he decides that with nothing to loose he might as well jump it.  But he soon discovers that it is not just an ordinary train, this was the Benzini Bros. Most Spectacular Show on Earth train.  Jacob gets signed on as the circus's veterinarian and begins to care for the animals.  Then he meets Marlena (Witherspoon), the wife of the abusive owner of the circus.  In a whirlwind of events Jacob and Marlena somehow find love in the most unlikely of circumstances.  Then the circus acquires an elephant named Rosie. August (Waltz), Marlena's husband, becomes even more dangerous than ever when Rosie turned out to be useless, or so they all thought.
     This story, which focuses on the grittier side of the circus in the 1930's, could have been executed much better if the actors who played Jacob and Marlena had possessed a stronger connection on screen.  Overall this film was adequate but will not completely full fill the expectations of those who read Gruen's book

shown below: Jacob (Pattinson) and Marlena (Witherspoon) meet their new companion, Rosie.  Photo curtsy of

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Diary from Marlena

Dear Diary,
     My feet are killing me!!It is a pain that i can't seem to escape no matter what i try to do!But the pain is no match for the confusion that is infecting my heart ans soul like a deadly virus.  I love Auggie I really do!But he can be so mean and hurtful, sometimes i am frightened for my own safety! Is this what marriage is supposed to be like? I really doubt that.  When he is in a good mood no one can surpass him in charm and wit but those good days are becoming more and more rare. Now that Jacob has come along I feel somehow relieved of my fears.  He makes me feel like I have never felt in my entire life! It is so wrong for me to posses theses feeling because I am a married woman after all! Oh how my heart aches for Jacob! If only we could leave this dang circus and have a fresh start!  I know this can never happen for I have already given myself away to August , but there must be someway for me to get away from him... but until i figure out what to do I will continue pretending that my feet are the only reason for my sorrow.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Running Away to the Circus

Home alone with Brian and Katie
and I'm thinking just maybe
They wont tie me to that chair
 in that room so cold and bare
They giggle and laugh
as they tie the rope around my calf
I'm only 5 years old and
let me tell you this game is getting old
I wish I could run away
so that I wouldn't have to play
This is a boring  game
I need something fun like a lion to tame
I deeply sigh as we start again
hopefully i wont have to play till I'm 10!