Thursday, December 8, 2011

Diary from Marlena

Dear Diary,
     My feet are killing me!!It is a pain that i can't seem to escape no matter what i try to do!But the pain is no match for the confusion that is infecting my heart ans soul like a deadly virus.  I love Auggie I really do!But he can be so mean and hurtful, sometimes i am frightened for my own safety! Is this what marriage is supposed to be like? I really doubt that.  When he is in a good mood no one can surpass him in charm and wit but those good days are becoming more and more rare. Now that Jacob has come along I feel somehow relieved of my fears.  He makes me feel like I have never felt in my entire life! It is so wrong for me to posses theses feeling because I am a married woman after all! Oh how my heart aches for Jacob! If only we could leave this dang circus and have a fresh start!  I know this can never happen for I have already given myself away to August , but there must be someway for me to get away from him... but until i figure out what to do I will continue pretending that my feet are the only reason for my sorrow.

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