Friday, November 18, 2011

My Mr. Tribble

My Mr. Tribble is a godsend. No matter how down on myself I am or how terrible the situation is, my Mr. Tribble always has something encouraging to say when I need it. When everything is going bad I know I can look to Mr. Tribble for advise. My Mr. Tribble often knows what I need to get motivated again, even before I do. It's not always nice things like "you can do it" or "I believe in you". Sometimes all that Mr. Tribble says to me is more blunt, "stop moping around and do something about it" or "pull your head out of your butt, it's not that big of a deal". But the most common is "you're being ridiculous Laurie!" Most of the time this just makes me mad but in the end it gets me out of that downhill spiral. if it wasn't for my Mr. Tribble I would be walking around all sad and downtrodden most of the time.  On those  occasions when words can't even begin to help me out, my Mr. Tribble knows that a simple hug can make all my troubles leave me alone, even if it's only for one short, sweet and silent moment. If actions speak more than words, then my Mr. Tribble's actions are screaming at me!  I can never explain what my Mr Tribble means to me!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Number one place I want to go

There are many places that I want to see while I am alive, but the number one place I want to go cant be accessed from Earth. This  is a place I won't return from once I am there, I cannot visit  or stay for a while.  Going to this place is permanent.  I want to go to heaven. If I am in heaven I know I have done the best job I could possibly have done with the tools God gave me and that I have lived a good and meaningful life.  When I get to heaven I will be granted some of my greatest wishes.  I will hear my Aunt Karen's laugh once more, feel Aunt Cathy's warm embrace, and  see Brandon's crooked smile that I fell in love with. I will be reunited with all of my loved ones again and for this I am patiently awaiting.  Heaven will be a place where I can escape the torment of this world and be truly happy with those I love. But before I go to this magnificent place, I want to see the ancient civilizations in Machu Pichu, Visit the coliseum in Rome, eat fresh lefsa in Norway, and meet the  family in Holland. But until these things and many more are accomplished I will wait for my trip to heaven.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween memory

My oldest memory of Halloween is a great one! I remember we were vaccinating cows all that morning so I ran around the corals with visions of sugary treats dancing in my head. When it was finally time to go put on my costume I couldn't have been more excited!I was a princess fairie that year and my outfit was amazing.  I was to wear a sparkly yellow dress. I. LOVED.SPARKLES. I was so super stoked to get dressed I didn't even wait for the gown up men to leave the room before I started stripping down to my skivies. Along with the dress, I was going to wear a crown and have a magic wand. Both of these items were covered with pretty silver sequins. This was the best costume ever!
I looked across the room to see what my sister was wearing, I just assumed that she would be a witch, again. I was right.  Oh how I felt so bad for her because she couldn't possibly ever look as pretty as I did in my costume when she was doomed to wear that terrible black hat!That very Halloween was the beginning of a lifelong competition of which of us has better clothes, and I'm still winning!