Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween memory

My oldest memory of Halloween is a great one! I remember we were vaccinating cows all that morning so I ran around the corals with visions of sugary treats dancing in my head. When it was finally time to go put on my costume I couldn't have been more excited!I was a princess fairie that year and my outfit was amazing.  I was to wear a sparkly yellow dress. I. LOVED.SPARKLES. I was so super stoked to get dressed I didn't even wait for the gown up men to leave the room before I started stripping down to my skivies. Along with the dress, I was going to wear a crown and have a magic wand. Both of these items were covered with pretty silver sequins. This was the best costume ever!
I looked across the room to see what my sister was wearing, I just assumed that she would be a witch, again. I was right.  Oh how I felt so bad for her because she couldn't possibly ever look as pretty as I did in my costume when she was doomed to wear that terrible black hat!That very Halloween was the beginning of a lifelong competition of which of us has better clothes, and I'm still winning!

1 comment:

  1. Anyone who can pull off the heels you wear lady - then they'll win. But I don't think that's going to happen!
