Friday, November 18, 2011

My Mr. Tribble

My Mr. Tribble is a godsend. No matter how down on myself I am or how terrible the situation is, my Mr. Tribble always has something encouraging to say when I need it. When everything is going bad I know I can look to Mr. Tribble for advise. My Mr. Tribble often knows what I need to get motivated again, even before I do. It's not always nice things like "you can do it" or "I believe in you". Sometimes all that Mr. Tribble says to me is more blunt, "stop moping around and do something about it" or "pull your head out of your butt, it's not that big of a deal". But the most common is "you're being ridiculous Laurie!" Most of the time this just makes me mad but in the end it gets me out of that downhill spiral. if it wasn't for my Mr. Tribble I would be walking around all sad and downtrodden most of the time.  On those  occasions when words can't even begin to help me out, my Mr. Tribble knows that a simple hug can make all my troubles leave me alone, even if it's only for one short, sweet and silent moment. If actions speak more than words, then my Mr. Tribble's actions are screaming at me!  I can never explain what my Mr Tribble means to me!

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