Friday, September 30, 2011

Wild Rumpus:)

Recipe for Streaking
     7 sophomore girls
     1 warm September night
     7 itty bitty towels
     1 carefree mom
     1 little white car
     1 fair grounds
     3 guy friends
     2 cell phones

Start with a sweet 16 birthday party on a warm September. Add 7 sophomore girls. Preferably fun loving ones.  Combine itty bitty towels with the mixture be sure to remove the clothing of the girls.  This will cause some funny looks from the mom but she will approve anyway.
Cram all of the girls into the white care, 3 in the trunk and 4 in the seats.   proceed to the fair grounds. Once timing is just right(warm enough breeze) release the girls to run two laps around the loop. return girls to the car and head back to town.  You will see no need for towels at this point so it is common to leave them in the backseat while returning home.  On occasion a cop will follow you but do your best not to panic. 
Once you return to the birthday party, you will find 3 of your best guy friends in a big red dodge waiting there for you.  All girls will hastily throw on towels and rush into house, except for one.  lock the last girl in the trunk on your haste to get inside.  The last girl will call one of the other girls with her cell phone.  Rush outside to release the last sophomore and run back inside.
Tip: Carefree mom is essential to this recipe!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

A River Runs Through It Review

     "A River Runs Through It" is a novella written by Norman Mclean.  It was adapted into a film by director, Robert Redford.  The casting of this movie was adequate except for the actress who played the character Old Rawhide.  This actress did not add any depth to the character, if one has not read the book they would not have nearly as much knowledge about Old Rawhide. 
     The script was very vague. It is obvious that you cannot put as much background in a film but they should have tried a little harder.  The movie had no soul and was very boring.  I watched this movie with someone who was not familiar with the book and that person also found the film to be terribly executed and was not overly impressed.  Everything about it was dull and flat except for the gorgeous scenery.
    This film had a lot of potential to be truly moving, but it failed.  Do not waste your time by watching this movie.  The book although is highly recommended.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"You can love completely without complete understanding"

Miss Perkins- I wrote this journal as a warning label for love!

Operators manual to the four Greek loves:
       1. Storge (love for your family).
                                                            You are born knowing that you have a strong connection with them but as a young child you don't fully understand its importance.  It might grow apart from your family as you grow up and leave home but you will always have that special bond with them.  This bond cannot be completely broken so don't even try. This love is not intended to be understood, but to be felt.
  2. Philia (friendship love).
                                                         At this age it is hard to come by because often the friends that you have in high school don't follow you through your whole life.  It is so precious and rare. You mustn't take it for granted. This love is not intended to be understood, but to be felt.
  3. Eros (love within a couple).

                                                     CAUTION! This love is evasive!!You think you have it but it was merely teasing you.  It is vicious in is most terrible form but if you get it truly right it is amazing.  It has the power to change your heart and soul.  This love doesn't present itself in its most pure form very often so if you catch it NEVER LET IT GO. It is very rare and should be handled with extreme caution! this love is not intended to be understood, but to be felt.

     4. Agape (love shared with God)

                                                      This love is extremely powerful and potent.  It takes lots of hard work and practice to be able to tame this love.  You cant see His face or hear His voice but you must imagine it.  You can feel Him if you really concentrate.  This love is never ending and impossible to beak once it it's created. To properly manage this love you need to listen to your soul very carefully.  this love is not intended to be understood, but to be felt.

WARNING: These loves all have the power to hurt you! They have an even stronger ability to heal all of your wounds.  It is advised that you use them wisely and take extremely good care of each and every one.


Thursday, September 8, 2011

10 things that make me happy:)

1. My family-I have been blessed with a fantastic family and I wouldn't trade them for anything!
2.Angie- None of my best memories don't include this girl.  She is the sister that God forgot to give me and I'm so happy that I have someone to help me survive high school!
3.Staying up all night with Katie- There is nothing that can replace the relationship between sisters and I have a pretty dang strong bond with mime.  Nothing makes me feel better than hanging out with her and talking about EVERYTHING!
4.Big trucks- What rancher's daughter doesn't love the sight and sound of a big ol' ford?
5.Watching Disney movies- fairy tales. Enough said.
6.Baking- I love the satisfactory of baking something truly delicious and sharing it with the people that you care about!
7. Music- How could music not make someone happy? It can calm me down or pump me up at anytime.  if there wasn't music the world would be a less vibrant place.
8. FFA- It gives me the opportunity to meat great new people!  I love how successful our chapter is ans I am never more proud to say that I'm from Big Timber than at a FFA event!
9. My cows- Yeah, yeah I know this makes me sounds crazy but my cows are awesome!
10. Road trips- I love the feeling of adventure that you get!You don't know exactly what is going to happen when you reach your destination but the thrill of getting away from this little town is the best!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Personifying Fear-Cliff Jumping

Journal from 9/1/2011,
     "You are going to die. There is no way that you can clear those rocks! Are you crazy?!?'That was the voice of me fear, yelling at me through my thoughts. already my blood was rushing through my veins and my heart threatening to jump out of my heaving chest.  " Don't you remember that your afraid of heights? You silly girl, you can't do this one simple jump. HA" It came to me in a demeaning tone that made me doubt my own capability to do even the slightest task such a breathing right. "Did you just see that huge snake swim by?!? An your gonna jump into that?What if there are more snakes, your not to fond of those either! Your not even a good swimmer!this is the dumbest thing you've ever done" It wouldn't stop telling me you can't, you can't, you can't. I couldn't handle it so i did it. I  jumped. half way down the cliff my fear caught up with me." your heading straight for the rocks!" it shrieked at me.  But just as a slew of not so lady-like words came shooting out of my mouth i hit the water.  No rocks. My fear had tried to trick me but it didn't work." Now for the fun part" it whispered, "Now your really in for it".  I was done with this dang voice telling me all the things that i couldn't do so I pushed the voices out of my head and swam to shore, not listening to the hushed whispers of," There's a snake!!" because I knew that those were merley sticks and I was going to be ok.  I made it to shore just fine and back up the hill to my friends with a smile ten ,miles long because I had done it, I had conquered my fear.