Thursday, September 1, 2011

Personifying Fear-Cliff Jumping

Journal from 9/1/2011,
     "You are going to die. There is no way that you can clear those rocks! Are you crazy?!?'That was the voice of me fear, yelling at me through my thoughts. already my blood was rushing through my veins and my heart threatening to jump out of my heaving chest.  " Don't you remember that your afraid of heights? You silly girl, you can't do this one simple jump. HA" It came to me in a demeaning tone that made me doubt my own capability to do even the slightest task such a breathing right. "Did you just see that huge snake swim by?!? An your gonna jump into that?What if there are more snakes, your not to fond of those either! Your not even a good swimmer!this is the dumbest thing you've ever done" It wouldn't stop telling me you can't, you can't, you can't. I couldn't handle it so i did it. I  jumped. half way down the cliff my fear caught up with me." your heading straight for the rocks!" it shrieked at me.  But just as a slew of not so lady-like words came shooting out of my mouth i hit the water.  No rocks. My fear had tried to trick me but it didn't work." Now for the fun part" it whispered, "Now your really in for it".  I was done with this dang voice telling me all the things that i couldn't do so I pushed the voices out of my head and swam to shore, not listening to the hushed whispers of," There's a snake!!" because I knew that those were merley sticks and I was going to be ok.  I made it to shore just fine and back up the hill to my friends with a smile ten ,miles long because I had done it, I had conquered my fear.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job, Laurie. I've enjoyed reading everyone's Fear personified!
