Monday, September 26, 2011

A River Runs Through It Review

     "A River Runs Through It" is a novella written by Norman Mclean.  It was adapted into a film by director, Robert Redford.  The casting of this movie was adequate except for the actress who played the character Old Rawhide.  This actress did not add any depth to the character, if one has not read the book they would not have nearly as much knowledge about Old Rawhide. 
     The script was very vague. It is obvious that you cannot put as much background in a film but they should have tried a little harder.  The movie had no soul and was very boring.  I watched this movie with someone who was not familiar with the book and that person also found the film to be terribly executed and was not overly impressed.  Everything about it was dull and flat except for the gorgeous scenery.
    This film had a lot of potential to be truly moving, but it failed.  Do not waste your time by watching this movie.  The book although is highly recommended.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I wonder if you would feel differently having sat in on our discussion of it afterward. Interesting, interesting...
