Thursday, September 8, 2011

10 things that make me happy:)

1. My family-I have been blessed with a fantastic family and I wouldn't trade them for anything!
2.Angie- None of my best memories don't include this girl.  She is the sister that God forgot to give me and I'm so happy that I have someone to help me survive high school!
3.Staying up all night with Katie- There is nothing that can replace the relationship between sisters and I have a pretty dang strong bond with mime.  Nothing makes me feel better than hanging out with her and talking about EVERYTHING!
4.Big trucks- What rancher's daughter doesn't love the sight and sound of a big ol' ford?
5.Watching Disney movies- fairy tales. Enough said.
6.Baking- I love the satisfactory of baking something truly delicious and sharing it with the people that you care about!
7. Music- How could music not make someone happy? It can calm me down or pump me up at anytime.  if there wasn't music the world would be a less vibrant place.
8. FFA- It gives me the opportunity to meat great new people!  I love how successful our chapter is ans I am never more proud to say that I'm from Big Timber than at a FFA event!
9. My cows- Yeah, yeah I know this makes me sounds crazy but my cows are awesome!
10. Road trips- I love the feeling of adventure that you get!You don't know exactly what is going to happen when you reach your destination but the thrill of getting away from this little town is the best!

1 comment:

  1. I think we could call Angie your "Sister from another Mister", eh? :)

    Nice list, Laurie!
